This error again tells you exactly what has happened. Basically the script has taken longer to execute than the execution time in place for the server.
Now, if nothing major is going on in your script then it could be you have something like an infinite loop - check carefully. If you expect the script to take a long time to run, but want it to do so, then you will need to up the time on the server. If you want to set to infinite time, you can add a line at the top of the script: set_time_limit(0); Note that depending on settings you may need to do this in your php.ini file if you have access to it.
This means that there is a syntax error in your PHP - you have not written valid code.
Typically you may have placed either two semi-colons at the end of a line or placed one where there shouldn't be. If you have been using echo or print statements then you may not have closed the print statement correctly. It is quite a descriptive error so you know where it is, but you may need to look at the surrounding lines to see if something there is what is causing the parse error. The answer is yes, but it depends what you mean by invert. On clarification you wanted to amend the array so that the values and keys switched over, and this is done through using the function array_flip, like this:
<?php $values = array("Fred","Bob","George"); print_r($values); $values = array_flip($values); print_r($values); ?> Which returns: Array ( [0] => Fred [1] => Bob [2] => George ) Array ( [Fred] => 0 [Bob] => 1 [George] => 2 ) If you want to simply see all the values, then you can use print_r or var_dump.
This is done using the range operator which will create an array of the letters:
<?php $letters = range(a,z); ?> This will give you an array from A to Z. If you want to create an array of consecutive numbers in PHP, then you can do it the long hand way...
<?php $myarray = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); ?> Or you can do it the easy way, using the range function, which you simply pass the first and last value in the consecutive range. So this is equivalent to the above code: <?php $myarray = range(1,7); ?> ... and when you want an array containing the numbers 1 to a 1,000 - then you'll be glad you learned about this function! If you wish to check whether a value is already stored in an array or not, then use the in_array function.
This is useful when you don't want any duplicates in the array and therefore only want to add a value if it's not already there. The first argument is the string you are testing for and the second is the array you are checking against. Here is an example of in_array in action: <?php $values = array("banana","apple","pear","banana"); $newvalue = "pear"; if (in_array($newvalue,$values)) { echo "$newvalue is already in the array!"; } ?>
TINYINT: The range of this data type is -128 - +127 or 0 – 256 and occupies 1 byte. BIT: Bit uses 8 bytes and stores only binary data. CHAR_LENGTH includes leading and trailing blanks and the string-termination character LENGTH excludes trailing blanks and the string-termination character. It does not exclude leading blanks.
MySQL CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH - September 30, 2009 at 18:00 pm by Vidya SagarWhat is the difference between CHAR_LENGTH and LENGTH in MySQL?CHAR_LENGTH, as the name suggests, returns the number of characters / character count. The LENGTH returns the number of bytes / bytes count. To count the Latin characters, both lengths are the same. To count Unicode and other encodings, the lengths are different.